Jan Frodeno is one of Germany’s elite triathletes, striking gold at the Olympic Games in 2008. Jan talks to us about his training and how he likes to relax.

1. Why did you get into triathlon and did you come from a background in one of the three sports?

From swimming which turned out a little too monotonous!

2. If you had to choose one of the three sports to compete in, which would it be?


3. What’s you average week of training?

Depending on time of year, between 30-45 hours.

4. Which is the toughest changeover and which is the toughest section of the triathlon?

Bike to run. It’s the deciding one, and therefore also the run.

5. What is you greatest achievement and your ultimate goal?
Winning my club championships last year and doing it again this year.

Seriously I want to be the first Olympic Champion to be World Champion

6. Who are your sporting heroes?

Haile Gebrselassie

7. Do you have a coach for each section of the triathlon or just one coach for all three?

Just one. Roland Knoll.

8. How do you relax?


9. What is you favourite line from a song?

You only get one chance… this opportunity comes once in a lifetime… (Eminem)

10. What three pieces of advice would you give to a young triathlete that wants to reach the top?

Keep at it and make sure you get the fun out of it, otherwise you stand no chance.

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