All 5 of Great Britain’s Intensive Training Centres will have tested the set up at the BEST Centre

With the Commonwalth Games late in the season 2010, many of Britain’s elite have been easing gently into the new season and enjoying the relaxing surroundings of the BEST Centre.

ITCLand training and pool work were punctuated by trips out on the bikes, sea swims and yoga. The coaches and athletes thoroughly enjoyed their time in Mallorca. Keri-anne Payne from Stockport ITC said it was a “fantastic facility,” and Cassie Patten said, “Amazing pool! We had a great time.” See more comments about the BEST Centre in the Testimonials area.

Ben Titley’s Loughborough group stayed on after the relay camp, and were joined by Rob Greenwood and Sean Kelly from Stirling and Stockport. Rob and some of his group took the speedboat over to Cabrera and had a fantastic afternoon on the water and at the beaches.

Dave McNulty’s group from the ITC in Bath spent two weeks here in September, and at the end of OCtober, Bud McAllister rounded off the ITC set with his team based in Swansea, joining 7 other squads in the busiest week of the year at the BEST Centre in 2009.

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